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Archive for the ‘Health & Fitness’ Category

19 May 2018

In the lead up to a new season of football, you might be concerned that you’ve let your fitness drop. Perhaps you’ve been spending more time on the sofa watching sport than engaging in it? Here are some handy tips to get you back into shape again and ready for kick-off: Power It Up Football requires powerful legs – whether your leaping to make a save as a goalie, jumping for a header or just want to complete an elaborate goal celebration, you’ll need power in your legs. The types of exercises that are good for this kind of explosive  [ Read More ]

18 Dec 2017

In every school, we see that there is the playground for the school. But have you ever think about that what the need of this kind of stuff?? Students come here for the gathering knowledge about the books. Then what is the importance of playground equipment for schools? The answer is these all kind of stuff is important for every student. The playground is the place where lots of student-developed theirs physical as well as mental ability. There are many factors can affect the designing of the playground. Developers should keep in mind about the every student safety and then  [ Read More ]
